Who is Bellenora?

I’m Leonora Salama, nail artist and educator, you might recognize me as @bellenora17 from Instagram or TikTok. My journey into the world of nail art started in a humble place—my garage. It’s there that I began to explore the endless possibilities of the nail industry. As I ventured into this craft, sharing my progress on social media, I was blessed with the opportunity to connect with over 100K followers, each interaction weaving a richer story. Beyond just creating, I found a profound joy in teaching others. Each post I share is more than just a picture; it’s a lesson, a tip, or a spark of inspiration aimed at guiding those who are as passionate about doing nails and being your own boss as I am. Being an educator in this vibrant community has taught me the importance of humility, patience, and the endless pursuit of knowledge. I’ve learned that there’s always a new technique to master, a new trend to explore, and a new way to inspire creativity in others. This journey from a simple garage to an online platform where I can educate and inspire has been incredibly rewarding. I’m just someone who loves doing nails deeply and gets immense satisfaction from sharing this love and knowledge with others. Let’s continue this beautiful journey of creativity and learning together, embracing every challenge as an opportunity to grow.